Here are some pictures of Hugo and his sister Ebba and his brother Hannes. When he was born he was a very small boy, so lovely to just hold and look at. At the first picture he´s just a few hours old.
Ebba was four years old when Hugo was born and Hannes was two years. They loved there littlebrother from the very beginning of his life.
Today Hugo is a big boy, he has learned a lot about the world, and he´s no longer so afraid that he shuts down. He´s a social boy in his own way and his family means a lot to him. And of cause; He means the world to his family.
2 kommentarer:
Han är så himla supersöt, verkligen Hu'go som helst ;-)Har ni kontakter i USA nu?? Hoppas att ni mår hyfsat och att ni får en mysig första advent, många kramar från Carina o Rasmus (som är hemma från dagis med snor o hosta!)
Hej! Vilken fin och viktig blogg!
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